Hi, my name is Justin!

I am

Notable Work

Here are some of my favorite work

App Analyzer
NodeJS Express + MySQL

Far more difficult than it looks. This is a standalone web app to extract, dump, and analyze nearly any .ipa uploaded.

VueJS + NodeJS Express + MySQL

At one time an attempt at one of the most advanced iOS app stores on the market. Connected many developed technologies such as: AppAnalysis, CertCollector, ipa_crawler, and more!

Tutor Mobile
React Native + Quasar + MySQL

A web app and mobile app written in React Native as a client for setting up tutoring sessions with chat and native notifications. Was originally designed as a third party client for Chegg Tutors since their mobile site (and lack of mobile app) annoyed me too greatly with the addition of other services. First beta was released on the AppStore before Chegg Tutors abruptly shut down.

Project Voter
React Bootstrap + MySQL

A web app written with a MySQL backend & a NodeJS Express API to vote on my next project!

NodeJS Express + MySQL

Originally written in BASH, then Python, then finally NodeJS. This was a bot connected to a twitter account (@Emu4iOSigned) that would determine the signing status of used enterprise certificates.


Fully programmatic ObjC replication of the Speed Dial Floating Action Button (or SDFAB) from the Framework7 web framework, dynamically generated from a remote JSON config file.


A dynamic library (dylib) designed for injecting and presenting ads into any iOS binary, without the knowledge of how the target application is built.

iRec (iOS 7-8)

Utilizing FrameBuffer leaks in memory, iRec was the first screen recorder for iOS 7 devices written in ObjC. During iOS 9 it was handed off to my good friend Anthony. iOS 10+ officially changed hands to Anthony and Cole.

// TODO:

- history carousel or timeline - notable projects - reactive transition navbar - typing indicator - footer - optimise images with next/image - release blog - resume preview